Update on Hives Wiped Out by The Bear

I visited the location today where the bear demolished all of the hives to retrieve some of the concrete blocks and saw a few bees flying around. It seemed odd to me there was activity, considering it had been a couple of weeks since I moved the remaining hive out. When I took a closer look I saw around 50 bees sitting on two frames on the ground. It was one of the colonies leftover from the bear attack, still with their queen - and I was able to collect them up and put them in a hive! Those are some very resilient bees to sit and wait like that.

Once the two frames were safely in a hive box, the bees began signaling to the rest of the colony that the queen was inside and they spent the next half hour assembling into their new home. I moved them to the other site in the field of goldenrod.

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